Monday, September 20, 2010

The Saga of the Paci

Hi y'all! Guess who found her USB cord for the camera a few minutes ago?!? Woohoo, I'm back in business. And boy do I have a story for you. Where shall we begin in the saga of the paci...

I guess I could start 2 1/2 years ago in the NICU. When our beautiful 2 lb princess would take a paci that was as big as her head! I remember talking about taking it away right before her first birthday. hahaha. Life doesn't always go as planned, does it? Sooo...many moons later I was quite frustrated that it hadn't 'happened' yet. We would always plan it and then a good excuse reason would come up and we would put it off. Again and again. One weekend we actually did it. Within 24 hours Avery was seriously very sick. As I held my baby, burning up with fever, I asked what mama could do to make it better. She let out a long, sad "My paaaa paaaa, mama!" plea and that was the end of that. Obviously, I had saved a backup! But, enough was enough already and I had quite a plan. Avery loves balloons, so on the way home from work a few Fridays ago we stopped by Flowerama and picked up a bouquet of balloons. I tied the 2 remaining pacis we had to 2 different balloons and explained that Avery was a big girl and no longer needed a paci. I told her pacis were for babies and she was not a baby anymore. I told her we would put the pacis on the balloons and send them to the babies in heaven. She seemed excited but I got a backup cupcake just in case.

Once we got home, I made a big deal out of the whole thing. I told her to hold them tight and not let them go. With the camera ready, I say "Ok, let them go!" PLUNK! The pacis were too heavy for the balloons. After a few adjustments, we were ready to go again. We walked to the neighbors treeless yard and once again we let them go. The wind was blowing hard and the balloons flew right over to our yard and right into the tree. I held my breath and hoped the wind would catch them, but it just drove them further into the tree. Avery, realizing her beloved pa-pas were gone, had a meltdown right there in the driveway, balloons and pacis dangling right above our heads. (Did I mention the neighbors were outside watching the whole thing? #fail!) Thank God those pacis were out of reach! And thank God for the clown cupcake. We made it with just a few meltdowns the next week and now when Avery mentions the papas she mentions the babies we gave them too. And the pink balloons they dangled from. Oh, and the tree in our front yard where that paci still dangles, at this very moment. (I really need to put that on a honey-do list!)

I am so glad that it is over and done with. I hope to post a blog about her sleeping in her big girl bed soon. 1 goal down, 1,858 to go!

One last moment w/ her paci
Can you tell she was excited?
She was being so careful not to let it go!
And that was that!
This is not her normal reaction to a big, pretty cupcake. But it was a rough day!

So, that is about the best true story I have from my blog hiatus. Hope to be back in full swing this week!

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Are You Ready for Some FOOTBALL?

It's the weekend, a 3 day weekend and the first weekend of college football. We are out of town w/ the family - relaxing and enjoying and counting down the hours till LSU kickoff! Folks, it doesn't get much better than that. I can't believe fall is on it's way! Seems like last weekend we were visiting Nonna and Poppa and playing football outside, except it wasn't last was last year! These were taken the same weekend, in 2009. Hope you all have a wonderful weekend.



Thursday, September 2, 2010

Giveaway Winner

Good morning bloggy friends!

The giveaway for the $50 gift card has ended. The winner is: Nicole @ If you love giveaways, you will love her blog.

Thanks to all who participated!

Btw, you can still help this precious couple adopt a little girl from Peru. Go check out this blog to find out how you can get great tupperware, win a gift card AND help this sweet family grow!

Hope you all have a great day. AND a great weekend. But don't let it pass before you take a look at THIS!