Saturday, September 29, 2012

First Day of School

On August 27, 2012 Avery started PreK 4. I couldn't be more thrilled with the school or her teacher! She was so precious in the little school uniforms. She loves school and had a great first day. I am so proud of my big girl and she is already learning so much. I am taking her to school every day and Charlie picks her up. I still walk her in every day, I'm not sure if she will walk in alone this year. When she feels comfortable doing it, I will let her. Until then, Mama Bear to the rescue! She went right in and found her seat and started coloring. No tears for her. Only a few for me, as I pulled out of the parking lot and realized I'd never walk a baby into their first day of PreK again. New experiences like this are so bittersweet. I loved watching her be so independent but what I wouldn't trade to hit the rewind button and do this all over again!


Cristi said...

Oh wow. This brought happy tears. You just cant not think back to those 2 tiny pounds can you? Love yall.

DC said...

Awww! Look at that big girl!