Saturday, March 28, 2009

Did you think I had given up blogging forever? Yes, at one point I did too! But Charlie won the debate and we bought a Mac...and so far I love it! Oh so much has gone on I don't know where to start. Work has been stressful to say the least, as well as life in general. Charlie did get an offer for the new job (a supervisor at Chase....where I work) which will give us a much more 'normal life'. He won't have to work weekends, and he'll be off of work a lot earlier. It also means Avery will start daycare. I have a lot of mixed emotions about that but overall you could sum it up with one: WORRY. Which is usually how you can sum up any change that happens in my life. On top of that she has RSV. I am so sick of RSV, if it were a person I'd chase them down and beat the heck out of em! Breathing treatments are tough because she is too old to just lay there and take it and too young to be punished or bribed. She sounds bad this morning and is coughing up a storm. She was supposed to start daycare Monday so she could go a few times this week, before he starts his job next week, but that will be delayed until she is all better - of course, things never go as planned do they. Well I'm not really in a blogging mood but I got a few seconds of quiet so I thought I'd post an update.


Denise Darnell Davis said...

I go back to work a week from Monday...we have to catch up then! Will you email me your mailing address also?

Penny said...

Well, who's keeping her till she can go to daycare? Are you talking a real daycare or someone in their home? Mrs. Ginger? LOL Hope she feels better soon. :) Love ya
PS I don't know if Sarah ever got in touch with you, but she is REALLY grateful for the breast pump. She's having a hard time nursing right now, though, due to some side effects she got from medicine they said would be okay if you're nursing. Obviously they were wrong, because her milk hasn't been coming in like before. She stopped taking it a couple of days ago and said it's better today, but she's been having to give him formula for the past couple of days and it didn't agree with his tummy. I hope all of that is behind her. Now she just has to find a job and was told every person that's contacted the place where she used to work has been told a bunch of lies because she's suing them, so... don't know if she'll be able to find anything there. That was the longest job and most experience she's had so she can't just leave them off of applications. Hope her lawyer is helpful Monday when she calls him. Keep her in your prayers-- that she'll be open to what God is wanting her to do-- even if she's not asking Him. :) Thanks

Beth E. said...

Hope Avery feels better soon!

Mallory said...

hope avery gets better soon! i am SO glad you got a new computer, and i can now keep up with all things avery =) and i think charlie's job will be SUCH a great change for ya'll, even if avery's going to daycare, cause it'll mean more quality time for ya'll as a family since you'll all be on the same schedule now. and i think that the more family time, plus the good socializing a daycare will offer, will make for a happier and healthier avery =) i'll be praying that everything goes perfectly!!!

Cristi said...

I know yall are all under the weather, sorry for that, but maybe this will cheer you up - You won an award on my blog. Check it when you are finished taking care of all the sick ones at your house. Love yall and hoping you are all feeling better soon.