Monday, February 8, 2010

Sensational Saints Superbowl Sunday!

Although admittedly, I'm not the biggest NFL fan, when the Saints go to their first Superbowl and you live in Louisiana, you simply must jump on the bandwagon. Now, that's not to say that the men in our family aren't die hard fans. (Well, except my dad, who sticks to his Miami Dolphin roots, and Charlie, who refuses to admit a few short years ago he was a huge Chicago Bears fan!) But the rest of them, oh yeah, tried and true!

And when the Saints did something great, they were there to cheer them on. As if we were in the stadium, we cheered like the players could hear us. Like we were the only ones cheering. Boy, did we cheer!

And when things weren't looking so great, we worried. We considered the possibility of loss. 
But we still believed!
Well, most of us believed and some of us just became exhausted w/ all the hoopla...
And when things got even worse, we debated game plans and statistics. Just imagine that Josh (my brother, on the left) is the head coach and Mickey (my uncle, on the right) is the assistant.
And we encouraged our team, and each other...
And when good things happened, we fist pumped and danced and CELEBRATED!
We called plays and screamed at the top of our lungs when we wanted to challenge a call...
And we waited, while the actual refs reviewed the challenge...
And we jumped and screamed and went absolute bizerks when a call went our way...
And the interception? Oh, the interception. Well, you see, in our house the interception will forever be remembered as the moment that Uncle Mickey realized his beloved Saints had just won their first ever Superbowl... and for just a moment he lost his mind...

and the spot with the hole in the wall, the one where he butted his head, will forever be remembered as the result of one of the happiest, most painful moments in his life. 



labride said...

Omg I am dying laughing at this! I love Mark and Charlie's faces! And I can't believe your Uncle Mickey did that, way to funny!

Beth E. said...

Oh no he dit'n! Hahaha...poor Uncle Mickey! Looks like the wall got the worst of it. ;-)

Cristi said...

LOL Love this post! Good job. My poor wall...

Mallory said...

at least it wasn't the tv =)

Penny said...

I can't believe he busted the sheetrock on your mom's wall! Yikes.
These guys were really in the game, weren't they?! Steph's boyfriend and his dad were AT the game. For real. Thousands of dollars to watch guys fight over pigskin. Yeah, even I watched, but I watched for FREE. =)

DC said...

Love the play-by-by via photos! Great story!

Jami Ainsworth said...

Love it!

The Four Week Vegan said...

Now that's what I call being in the moment. I hope there was no permanent damage to Uncle Mickey.

brtty stella said...

What a great photo keepsake of the game. Hope Uncle Mickey is a good repairman too! Sounds like all had a super time for the super bowl!!